Freie Plätze:
We offer three Welcome2WU events per year to welcome our new employees as soon as possible after joining WU and to help them familiarize themselves with the university. Vice-Rector for Human Resources and Digital Infrastructure Martin Winner will speak some words of welcome and introduce you to WU, followed by a guided tour of the buildings on Campus WU. After that, you will have the opportunity to get to know colleagues from other WU units and institutes.
Other Recommendations
If you would also like to participate in the next WU Strategy Day and the social event (held bilingually) in the evening after the Strategy Day, including a sparkling wine reception and a joint dinner, please use the following links to sign up:
WU Strategy Day, 10 April 2025 - Rector's presentation held in German:
WU Strategy Day Social Event:
WU Strategy Day, 10 April 2025 - Rector's presentation held in English:
WU Strategy Day Social Event: