Freie Plätze:
A writer’s retreat aims to overcome the challenges of being frequently distracted from working on texts and constant lack of time that often characterize the academic working environment.
The WU Writing Retreat takes place off-campus over the period of three days in a writer’s friendly environment and allows concentrating on the writing task without any distractions, such as email, internet or mobile and with no pressure.
While writing in the same room as peer writers, structured writing sessions allow writing powerfully and increasing productivity. Peer discussions of work-in-progress and empowering activities further help to reflect on writing issues.
The WU Writing Retreat offers a working environment and schedule that can be experienced by any academic writer independently from her*his discipline or career stage in order to pursue current writing projects. At the end of the workshop, initially set writing goals will be achieved and a plan for future writing project will be prepared.
Target Group
Academics at WU at different stages of their careers aiming at:
- developing efficient writing skills
- organizing and structuring writing projects
- overcoming difficult or critical situations, such as writer’s block
- pursuing and finalizing a concrete writing project
- experiencing different types of writing sessions and exploring their potential
- transferring insights gained from the writing retreat to one own’s daily routine of writing
- reflecting on their writing
- networking and exchanging writing experiences with peers
Content and Method
The writing retreat consists of several organized writing sessions per day. Participants will pursue their own writing projects and are guided through writing activities using writing tasks and reflection exercises.
Besides reflecting on the writing process, participants learn how to set writing goals. They receive feedback from peers and individual coaching with the trainer.
Pre-Workshop Preparation
Bring your current writing project on a notebook! You will be disconnected from the internet and asked not to use your mobile devices during the workshop times. Therefore, it is important that you have all relevant texts stored on your hard drive. In addition, the focus is on writing and therefore you should not expect to have time reading literature or analysing data during the workshop times.
Departure and Arrival
Wednesday, September 24 – Friday, September 26, 2025
Departure from WU on Wednesday at 08:30 am
Arrival at WU on Friday at 05:30 pm
The Writing Retreat is a 3-day-workshop and will take place in a hotel outside the WU. All registered participants will be informed of the location by email in time.
Fees and Registration
This workshop is open to 12 participants, therefore please register in time. The registration deadline is August 13, 2025.
Please note that you should notify us before the registration deadline if you are unable to attend the workshop. Otherwise, a fee of € 200 will be charged to cover the hotel expenses.
Please let the Personnel Development and Planning Office know if you will not be attending. There are often waiting lists for the workshops, and this will give one of your colleagues the chance to attend (this doens´t exempt from the cancellation fee though).
To sign up for this workshop, please click "Register" at the bottom of this page. Hanna Schlipf will be happy to answer any inquiries about the workshop by email ( or phone (ext. 5412). For organizational questions, please get in touch with Daniela Machian by email ( or by phone (ext. 5248).
The course fee is € 60 (incl. Accommodation, Catering, Workshop and Transfer).
- Reflecting on the own writing process
- Dealing with writer’s block
- New strategies for writing and editing own texts
- Making concrete progress on the own academic project during the retreat
- Applying structuring skills learned to writing in everyday academic work
- Networking and exchange with colleagues