Freie Plätze:

05.11.2024, 09:00 - 13:00 Uhr
An- und Abmeldefrist:
22. Oktober 2024
23:55 Uhr

22. Oktober 2024
23:55 Uhr

Format: Präsenz
All WU employees
4 hours
Haben Sie noch Fragen?:
Personnel Development
Jan A. Poczynek

ChatGPT has been the topic everybody was talking about since the turn of 2022/23 and has managed to gain over 100 million users worldwide in two months. The extent of the changes triggered by applications of generative AI such as ChatGPT are already stimulating diverse and multi-layered imagination, but do not yet seem to be able to be reliably predicted in the longer term. Getting to grips with ChatGPT as the currently most popular AI tool offers a quick introduction to recognizing possible effects and benefits for your own work context.  The Personnel Development Office therefore invites all interested WU employees to get to know an overview of generative artificial intelligence and try out the functionalities of ChatGPT - based on concrete applications - as part of our "Sandbox" format.
Over 150 colleagues have already been able to benefit from this format and quickly take their first steps with AI.

What is behind the "Sandbox" format?
We invite you to try out and get to know new things together with impulse providers and to experiment together. You are welcome to bring along initial use cases and ideas from your own work context.

The current sandbox on AI & ChatGPT is led by our external cooperation partner Jan A. Poczynek, who has extensive knowledge in IT topics as well as a high level of expertise in digitalization topics and trends. More information about Jan A. Poczynek:


  • During your participation, you will have developed a feeling for the relevance of ChatGPT and related tools for yourself and your field of work.
  • You have gained a broader picture of what is currently happening in the field of AI and will take away concrete ideas as to whether and in which way you want to stay involved in this topic and participate in AI developments.
  • If you are interested, you will have met colleagues with whom you can continue to experiment with AI & ChatGPT beyond the sandbox and exchange and expand your experiences.


  • Providing basic know-how on generative artificial intelligence.
  • Joint, experimental approach to this new "tool" based on practical use cases in a professional context. Getting to know the functionality and possibilities of ChatGPT - based on initial experiences that you bring along as a participant. In addition, our external expert will provide well-prepared use cases and knowledge on what to bear in mind when using ChatGPT in practice.
  • Moderated exchange between the participants: What topics are we currently dealing with around AI & ChatGPT? What might intimidate me or cause me concern? What benefits have already been discovered in the first application for your own fields of work? What ideas do you have for using AI & ChatGPT in your own day-to-day work?
  • Raising awareness of the potential but also the risk, framework and governance issues surrounding AI & ChatGPT.


Clearly, WU will continue to work on the organizational positioning of WU and its development as an educational institution around ChatGPT and generative AI in general. Experts from various areas are working to provide all WU employees with the best possible support, advice, and guidance.

The half-day workshop is also not intended to be an in-depth discussion of General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other legal topics.

Ideally, you should register individually for the use of ChatGPT in advance of the workshop (this requires a free account in the basic version) and bring your notebook to the workshop. This will give you the opportunity to try out ChatGPT in advance and, in particular, to experiment with it yourself on site.


  • Impulses and state-of-the-art explanations
  • Group discussions
  • Hands-on exercises
  • Comprehensive digital documentation
Zusätzliche Beschreibung
  • Overview of artificial intelligence technology
  • Getting to know generative AI using examples
  • Prompting in ChatGPT
  • Relevance, potential and risks of AI for the future