Freie Plätze:

12.12.2024, 14:00 - 15:30 Uhr
An- und Abmeldefrist:
28. November 2024
23:55 Uhr

28. November 2024
23:55 Uhr

Format: Online
Academic Staff
1,5 hours
Haben Sie noch Fragen?:
Personnel Development
Mag. Thomas Seyffertitz

In this comprehensive webinar, we delve into the essentials of Data Management Plans (DMPs) for research projects, as often required by funding agencies. Far from being a mere bureaucratic formality, DMPs are crucial tools that can enhance the overall quality and impact of research by ensuring robust data management throughout the project lifecycle.

Participants will learn to appreciate DMPs as practical instruments for systematic data handling, even in small-scale research projects. By exploring the multifaceted benefits of well-crafted DMPs, this webinar aims to shift perspectives, highlighting how these plans facilitate a deeper understanding of one's research data and streamline future data reuse.

The webinar covers key components of a DMP, including data collection, documentation, storage, and sharing practices. Attendees will gain insights into best practices for data organization, metadata standards, and compliance with ethical and legal requirements. We will also discuss strategies for data preservation and archiving to ensure the longevity of research outputs.

Examples will illustrate the practical application of DMPs, showcasing how they can mitigate risks and improve project outcomes. By the end of the webinar, participants will be equipped with the knowledge and tools to develop effective DMPs, transforming data management from a perceived administrative task into a powerful component of their research strategy.

The Knowledge Nuggets are a webinar series that takes on a specific topic in the field of research data management. For example, learn about new forms of archiving, discover best practices, and get practical tips for your daily research work.


Participants will gain knowledge of how to prepare a DMP for their own research, what the key elements are, advantages and disadvantages of DMPs.


  • Scope and key elements of data management plans
  • Tools & templates for creating data management plans
  • Practical examples of DMPs
  • Q&A: Addressing participants' questions related to journal data policies.


Zusätzliche Beschreibung
  • Scope and key elements of data management plans
  • Tools & templates for creating data management plans
  • Practical examples of DMPs
  • Q&A: Addressing participants' questions related to journal data policies.