Freie Plätze:

An- und Abmeldefrist:
30. Juni 2030
23:55 Uhr

30. Juni 2030
23:55 Uhr

Format: Präsenz
WU Management and Professors
Haben Sie noch Fragen?:
Personnel Development
Tanja Guggenbichler Alexander Mingst
Anmeldefrist ausblenden:

“You cannot not communicate."
(Paul Watzlawick)

Communication is of central importance in leadership work. Successful leadership is difficult to imagine without a good, sustainable basis for communication between employee and manager, because - as the quote mentioned at the beginning expresses - even the absence of successful communication is perceived by your employees and has an effect. So how can you communicate in such a way that it has the desired effect?

The annual appraisal review is an important component of management communication. Ideally, it supplements the continuous work-related exchange and timely feedback in everyday work. The important function of the appraisal review is to provide a recurring framework for talking in a structured way about essential aspects of the working relationship, for which there is usually not enough time in the daily work routine.

Target Group

Professors, all heads of administrative and academic units.


  • You know the background and expectations on the topic appraisal review at WU
  • You know which supporting documents and services you can access.
  • You have received suggestions and best practices for successful implementation of the appraisal review


  • Short content-related impulse by the Personnel Development Office
  • Presentation of the documents and supporting services available at WU
  • Q&A session and peer exchange

Registration, Date & Time

Approximately 1 hour. You can express your interest in this workshop by clicking on "Register" on this page. As soon as enough interested people have registered, we will search for a possible date together.