
€ 30,00

Freie Plätze:

22.01.2024, 09:00 - 17:00 Uhr
12.02.2024, 12:00 - 14:00 Uhr
15. Januar 2024
23:55 Uhr

08. Januar 2024
23:55 Uhr

Format: Blended Learning
Academic Staff
Haben Sie noch Fragen?:
Personnel Development
Dr. Gayannée Kedia

The pursuit of an academic life is a long-term journey that requires not only intelligence, but also mental strength - the ability to remain steady and focused on one’s goals for many years. This workshop aims to give Pre-Docs and Post-Docs tools to develop their mental strength for leading happy and successful careers.


  • Develop a long-term inspiring vision 
  • Clarify priorities
  • Set concrete goals
  • Understand the roots of self-defeating beliefs and procrastination 
  • Learn to replace self-defeating thoughts by solution-oriented ones 
  • Discover strategies to overcome procrastination 
  • Practice present-moment awareness 
  • Learn relaxation techniques 
  • Create a plan of action to cultivate a relaxed concentration in everyday life 


Success in academia requires steadiness, focus, and endurance. Researchers at all stages of their careers must demonstrate excellence and face fierce competition, all while working on research projects that can take years of hard work and may not always yield the expected results. To succeed in this challenging environment, researchers must develop mental strength, the ability to stay motivated, self-confident, and focused in any circumstance. The goal of this workshop is to help participants learn how to develop mental strength through practical exercises and techniques.

People with mental strength, such as elite performers, are characterized by three features: 

  • They are highly motivated because they have a clear vision of their future and a deep commitment to their goals. 
  • They approach challenges with a solution-oriented mindset, and they believe in their capacity to reach their objectives and get the work done. 
  • They live in the moment, relaxed and focused, and follow lifestyle habits that allow them to perform at their best. 

The goal of this workshop is to help participants learn how to develop these three key features of mental strength through practical exercises and techniques, so that they can achieve their goals with confidence, focus, and resilience. By the end of the workshop, participants will have gained a deeper understanding of themselves, their priorities, and their capacity to succeed, and will have created a concrete plan of action to cultivate mental strength in their daily lives.

Duration: Two sessions: One day plus follow-up 

The main part of this workshop takes place over one day, covering the three themes mentioned above. At the end of the day, participants will set goals and create an action plan for the coming weeks. Several weeks later, the group meets again for a follow up to reflect on their progress and set new goals for consolidating their mental strength.


These sessions are interactive and takes place in a relaxed atmosphere. They consist of discussions, individual and group exercises, peer-to-peer coaching, and short lectures. The inputs and methods taught in this workshop are easy to use, effective, and directly applicable to the participants' current situation.

In Kooperation mit Wohlbefinden@WU



Zusätzliche Beschreibung
  • Develop a long-term inspiring vision 
  • Clarify priorities
  • Set concrete goals
  • Understand the roots of self-defeating beliefs and procrastination 
  • Learn to replace self-defeating thoughts by solution-oriented ones 
  • Discover strategies to overcome procrastination 
  • Practice present-moment awareness 
  • Learn relaxation techniques 
  • Create a plan of action to cultivate a relaxed concentration in everyday life