Freie Plätze:
Sketchnoting is the art of taking visual notes.
There are many potential applications for this documentation – technique:
The most obvious one is that you learn a new way to capture the essence of lectures, meetings or your favorite pod-casts in an interesting and memorable way.
On Day 1 we´ll explore all the basic elements needed to do that. On Day 2 we´ll put the pieces together and practice visual note taking in real time.
Some of the participants might just want to learn some tricks to spice up their journal or diary. Others, however, will get bitten by the “visualization bug” and fully embrace the power of visual thinking and will after the workshop also use visuals to solve wicked problems and tell compelling stories.
To participate in this workshop, you neither need any drawing skills nor consider yourself creative.
This workshop is all about you regaining pleasure in sketching, doodeling and drawing and reclaiming your innate creativity. You´ll acquire all the tools necessary to document ideas and conversations in a visual and memorable way.
In this workshop, we will:
- re-discover your potential as a visual communicator and visual thinker
- learn all about the basic vocabulary and techniques you need to produce your first Sketchnote
- get a taste of the true power of working visually (for problem solving, storytelling, etc.)
- design visual vocabulary for your specific use cases
- play with fonts
- learn how easy it is to draw cute stick people
- practice, play and draw a lot
- re-discover your potential as a visual communicator and visual thinker
- acquire all the tools necessary to document ideas and conversations in a visual and memorable way
- get a taste of the true power of working visually (for problem solving, storytelling, etc.)
- design visual vocabulary for your specific use cases